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Your life is the greatest masterpiece you will ever create. As with any masterpiece, the creation of such takes time, discipline, dedication, vision. 

This is the core. Basi6 was carefully designed to introduce you to the basic areas of growth and awareness. Basi6 itself consists of 30 modules that you work during a six week period.

Within each season of BASI6 we focus on a CORE area of growth. There are six core areas total. Each week we dive deep into our study with a 90-minute interactive zoom. Each volume of the MASTERCLASS series includes a unique workbook designed specifically for each volume, and access to the daily Basi6 modules.

Basi6 changes everything...if you let it.


Self-Study tools




Let’s talk about Basi6 and YOUR LIFE. How are we going to change life in six weeks? Is that even possible? YES, it's not just possible, it's HAPPENING all around you. Take a moment to absorb the words from Basi6 alumni:


“I am so beyond grateful for Basi6. This has changed my life, my relationships, and my business. Melissa,  I feel so blessed to have you in my life, to have you as a mentor. You have shown me the kind of person I can aspire to. My goal is to do the one-on-one coaching with you. And I KNOW the money is already on the way for that to happen!”

~ Jennifer

“Basi6 with Melissa Poepping is like nothing else I’ve ever taken. This is the third time I’ve taken this training because repetition creates awareness. With each session, I learn more, unlock more within myself and peel away all those blindfolds we wear that we don’t even know we have on! I’m so empowered to keep going with this!”

– Nikki

"It is hard to put into words what Basi6 has done for me!!!!!  It has changed my life. It has made me so completely aware of what “the secret” really is, and given me the confidence to ACT on what I truly want!!!!!

I already hit my 2000 OGV spike goal I had committed to reaching in two months. Yes, I hit it in less than one month! I can’t wait to see the total spike!!!!! I am back to my highest rank and I am here to live my best life!  People will be drawn to me because I have the Law of Increase, the Law of Vibration, and the Law of Attraction on my side.  I have “the secret” and others want it, too!!! Basi6 hit me at my core, and I truly believe Melissa's words: “You can design the life you want to live.”   I am forever grateful for Melissa Poepping and the priceless, history-making, epic Basi6 training! I feel and know I am a diamond rising. I am my own point of support and no one can stop me.  The devil will never win on my watch!!!!"

~ Angela


you are the ceo of your life

It's time to rock it like a boss!

How do you step into the CEO role of YOUR life? (If you aren't living in the CEO role, trust me, someone else is. And I don't want that for you. Your life is your own; you direct it!)

How do you wear the crown...that is already yours, by the way?

We get serious. And we get down to basics. Otherwise known as Basi6!

We go through the comp plan and make sure that you understand HOW TO WIN. We identify your "why," and indeed, the importance of knowing your "why." We build confidence. We audit circles. We shift paradigms. (To heck with that...we blow up paradigms and go get new ones!) And yes, I give you the tools to grow your Young Living business. I guarantee you the fundamentals, the foundation blocks, THE BASICS, of living your fairy tale life. That's why I called it Basi6 ... Basics in Six Weeks.


My "why" changed through the week. At first it was to pay for a new barn roof or buy an ATV. Then it evolved into showing the nay sayers in my life. But after today's video, I finally got it. The REAL WHY hit me. Tears poured out, it hit me so hard. Thank you Melissa, from the bottom of my heart. I finally see the big picture.

~ Lindsay

what to expect

Six weeks of 40-60 minute online sessions and required reading

To get the highest level of success and experience from Basi6, you need to be prepared to work with the content each day. I know that many online education tools advertise the flexibility of learning just on the weekend, or whatever fits your schedule, but I'm here to tell you that won't work here. One of the many benefits of this format is learning and engaging as part of a special group. When we're all in this together, all engaging, asking questions, sharing input, a whole new level of transformation occurs. So, before you apply for the course, I need you to really get honest with yourself...are you ready to devote 40-60 minutes each weekday to YOUR LIFE? Are you ready to do the required reading? Because it's not worth your time (or money) if you can't fully commit to the process.


Each class can and will bring so much out of you, if you open up to the process! Study the material with repetition. This is my second round taking Basic6 because I get something different out of it each day. THIS IS WORTH IT, I'm telling you. Go after your dreams!

~ Kristie